Saturday, 13 February 2016

5 realistic tips on how to survive the sleepless nights

Sleep becomes like gold dust when you're a new mummy, and every baby is different. The worst part about it all is you can't predict how your baby is going to sleep or when they'll sleep through. My first was an amazing little sleeper, my second less so! The picture below is her at 4am this morning! (sorry it's a little fuzzy!)

These tips aren't how to get your baby to sleep, as every baby is different and I don't think I could put that into 5 tips. Also with my youngest baby still waking every hour, I don't think I am in any way, shape or form, in a position to advise others on getting babies to sleep to sleep through as I've yet to discover the secret with my second myself. These tips are ways to make the sleepless nights a little bit less painful!

1. Set your expectations

When I was pregnant everyone told me that my baby would probably sleep through by 3 months. I stupidly believed them.. I was totally naïve; I knew the night feeds would be difficult, but I had no idea how long they could last. I know some mummies whose little ones have only just started sleeping through at 3. If you're pregnant and reading this, I'm not saying this to put you off, just to prepare you. My first did sleep through at around 6 months and I had no idea how lucky I was to have such a sleep-loving baby!

I wish I had assumed it would take a long time for my second one to sleep through, then maybe it wouldn't have been such a difficult realisation when she didn't. At almost 9 months, she still wakes hourly!

2. Food and drinks!

A packet of biscuits or something nice to nibble on whilst your feeding (grapes, a banana or something healthy when I finally start my diet) are lifesavers in the night. Alongside a nice drink, either a cold glass of water or maybe even a flask of tea (probably best that it's decaf as you wouldn't want a caffeine rush at 3am) can make getting up a little bit easier. Also if you're still breastfeeding you'll probably find that you're waking up starving and thirsty, especially in the early days, so having a little stash of snacks is a lifesaver in the early hours of the morning.

3. Take one day at a time

When your little one is wide awake at 2am and you've managed about 2 hours sleep (because if like me you stay up folding clothes, moving clutter from one room to another and trying to catch up on the soaps) the world seems like a rubbish place, but taking one day at a time can really help, even taking one feed at a time. As soon as your little one is back asleep, try to get back to sleep yourself. Every night is different and even a small improvement of your baby going an extra 30 minutes between feeds or your baby waking for cuddles is an extra 30 minutes sleep for you. Taking it one day at a time has got us to almost 9 months so far, and I haven't got completely crazy yet... yet.

4. Keep them close

We still have the cot in our bedroom although she did briefly go into her nursery for a month or two. My first was an amazing little sleeper and outgrew his moses basket at 4 months, and we couldn't fit the cot in the bedroom in the little flat we used to have, so he was in his nursery from 4 months. He was such a good sleeper that this wasn't a problem. My little girl however didn't take to the move into her nursery very well at all so she's back in the bedroom with us. It's a thousand times easier for me to just get up, sit on the edge of the bed and sort her out from there, rather than wandering down the landing, half asleep, freezing and in a bad mood.

The closer the better and the closer, the easier it is. Besides, mummy cuddles solve most things and often your baby may just want to be close to you.

5. Sleep when you can

If your baby is asleep and you are able to go to sleep to - sleep! If this baby is your first, sleep as much as you can.

Those with other children probably scoff at the whole 'sleep when you can' tip is said. I wanted to cry at the midwife when she suggested this. As much as my eldest is a good sleeper, his is hyperactive during the day so this just doesn't happen. However if you are lucky enough to have a lovely husband, mum, or any family member or friend who is willing to look after your children for you to get a nap, do it! In the early days even an extra hour can make sure a difference to the night and makes it so much easier if you aren't already exhausted!

Here I go with that 4 word phrase that I hate to hear - It will get better! I found this the most infuriating phrase ever up until recently as at the time it's not very helpful. But it will and the sleepless nights aren't forever, although it may seem that at the time. Your body does adjust, and there's always the coffee in the morning to look forward too!

Let me know what tips you have for other mummies (and me!) on how to get through the sleepless nights and what else worked for you.
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